I love lifting weights.
It’s empowering.
I feel strong.
And yeah.. I grunt a little :)
Here I am lifting 85 Kilo’s off the ground for 6 reps (from training last week). ( I won’t lie I was picturing that I was deadlifting Scott off the ground).
6 reps @30X1, followed by two other hamstring exercises back to back ( in video above)
12 reps Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls
25 Romanian Deadlifts @35kg
x 4 sets resting 2 mins
**Do not do this workout if you have no idea what you are doing – hire a PT for goodness sakes!
I love lifting weights! I like to occasionally make lots of noise while doing it, and yeah I flare my nostrils!! Lifting something heavy makes me feel empowered and strong, and not just physically, but it transfers to so many other aspects of my life.
Thank god for CrossFit. *cringe* I know so many people pay it out and put it down, but it really has changed the fitness industry, it has taught us “functional fitness”, and has introduced “Olympic lifting” to so many. It has created a new health and fitness path for many, and a change in career for me! I would not be picking up that 20 kilo olympic lifting bar, let alone lifting 85 kilos for reps, if I hadn’t started CrossFit, I would still be in my pump class and body attack classes kicking to the groove.
When women first start at our gym, they are usually cardio bunnies, addicted to cardio yet they want that 6 pack with toned arms, toned legs, and a peachy booty. They aren’t going to get that doing cardio alone. You gotta L-I-F-T GIRL! I have a nickname at the gym because all of a sudden I started doing more lifting and grew a butt, my nickname is Nikki…. As in Nikki Minaj…. And YES that song ANACONDA is in my workout playlist, don’t be scared if you walk into the gym and catch me busting this move to that song.
I recently spoke to one of our clients, he is a quiet guy, owns his own small business, and is totally someone you would not expect to do CrossFit… But he does, and it is absolutely awesome. He came up to me the other day, and said “you know what CrossFit has done for me…. I don’t sweat the small stuff in life anymore… It has made me so much more stronger mentally.” Isn’t that the coolest thing you have heard all day. I can totally relate to that, hence my decision to pester and pester Scott to let me work with him. I’m sorry – but THAT IS DAMN COOL. It is life changing. As much as you might be cringing right now, CrossFit blah… it truly is awesome. The workouts are hard! When the guys start, sometimes the more experienced girls are lifting more than them! You have to push through and try not to give in and stop 1000 times when you are doing the
I can totally relate to that, hence my decision to pester and pester Scott to let me work with him. I’m sorry – but THAT IS DAMN COOL. It is life changing. As much as you might be cringing right now, CrossFit blah… it truly is awesome. The workouts are hard! When the guys start, sometimes the more experienced girls are lifting more than them! You have to push through and try not to give in and stop 1000 times when you are doing the high-intensity cardio with weights or gymnastics in the workout. It is challenging! It is mentally tough! But so rewarding when it spits you out on the other end.
Combine your training with nutrition specific to your goals and body type, stay motivated by working towards your very own specific goal.
Find what Y O U absolutely L O V E to do for fitness + it will work for you.

Come in for a FREE Intro Session, discuss your SPECIFIC goals and see if we are a good fit.
You don’t need to be “in shape” to come to our gym, nor do you need prior fitness or training experience to achieve your goals with us.
The Free Intro Session is a chance to see our gym and get a feel for 365 Performance.
These meetings are one on one with one of our friendly and knowledgeable coaches and last for around 30 minutes.
Don’t be like others who spent years ‘thinking’ about it. They ended up just being another 5-10kg+ heavier and in worse shape than they are now.
Take action and complete the form on this page to organise a Free Intro Session with us now.