“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.”
― Seneca

At this time of year many of us are looking forward to some down time. And while we are all for it, it shouldn’t be a time where we go backwards and come out after the 1st of January feeling sluggish, drained and down due to what we put ourselves through over the holidays. We have put together some tips below that are easy to implement and even if you choose to do a couple, should have you feeling a lot better than usual after the festive season.

Do Something Before

You don’t need to run a marathon by the years end, but by starting something now you are already setting yourself up for success after the holidays. The sooner you start riding the wave (no matter how small), the better!

Eat Slowly

If there is one tip we could tattoo on everyone’s forehead over the holidays it is this. Satiety (the “I’m full” feeling) usually takes around 20 minutes to kick in. While we are animals at nature and protective of our prey, your Christmas turkey isn’t going to fly away on you. When you are eating make sure you actually CHEW your food, put your cutlery down between meals and chat a little, and once you feel like you are getting full – STOP! There will always be something to eat later if you need it. Follow this and you won’t be that guy undoing his belt buckle after the Christmas lunch!

Go For A Walk

We always blame not having equipment or a gym near us to train at when we are on holidays. The easiest thing you can do is just go for a walk! Go with your partner or a friend and do things the old fashioned way. For those who are a bit more advanced there is always The Burpee :)

Vitamin D

Get out in the sun! Go to the beach or have a swim. We are not wanting you to stay in the sun for 5 hours and end up looking like a leather bag, but getting some small exposure to the sun has many health benefits. Studies show it assists with brain health, bone health, heart health, immune function, blood sugar regulation, insulin resistance and many others.

Cheat Meals

We are honest with our clients and know that when those meals come around like your Step Mothers *special* Christmas pudding, and no matter how good or bad it tastes you better say yes so you don’t end up with a black eye (or a divorce)… Do something in advance when you know you are going to splurge a little and truly enjoy it (or at least pretend you did). Also, if you know where you are going isn’t going to have many healthy options, look at possibly having something healthy to eat before hand to top you up so when you do eat later on you won’t down as much of the bad stuff.


If you are already dreading that Christmas lunch with your Cousin because you have never met eye to eye… We challenge you to look at it a bit differently. Each person (no matter who) does have many good parts. And all the traits you despise in them you have at times, shown yourself. Go in there with an open mind, approach the situation differently and you may be surprised with the outcome.


Most people will make some sort. Be realistic. If you haven’t done any form of exercise in the past few years, don’t expect to be training for two hours a day 7 days a week. It isn’t sustainable. Start off slow, even 1x/week is progress on what you were doing previously, so be happy with that and then increase it once you can manage. You’re better off doing that, instead of saying you will train every day and then after the second week you miss a day and think you are a failure.

Me Time

If you are like 99.9% of the population and always on auto pilot… Rushing from point A to point B, drive home from work in your car and if someone was to ask you how many lights you stopped at you have no idea (sound familiar?). We encourage you to take some time out. Go for a walk, on your own, without your iPad/iPhone/iPod, shoes off and just connect with yourself. We know it sounds Hippy, but we guarantee you will feel so much better after!

And finally…

Look Back

Sit down and take the time to look back on all the experiences you had over the past year. The good AND the bad! As they have all lead you to where you are today. And be grateful for all of them

Published On: December 18th, 2013 / Categories: Articles /
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