For a beginner, CrossFit Training can all sound a bit daunting! Learning to clean, overhead squat, snatch or even a pull-up may seem too far out of reach, especially if you have never heard of some of these movements!
They, however, are movements that largely replicate day-to-day activities such as standing from a bed or chair, lifting groceries, throwing a ball to your household pet, running after your children or even bending over whilst gardening. This is a HUGE advantage with CrossFit, as most of its prescribed exercises show that there is no age, gender, weight, disability or level of fitness that decreases the need for functional movement.
In it’s most simplest form, CrossFit is defined as:
Constantly Varied – So you won’t be doing the same monotonous training day-in-day-out. Every day is different and you will never get bored!
Functional Movement – No machines, or movements that don’t replicate human movement in every day life. So there is no sitting on a machine and squeezing your shoulders or legs up and down – we do regular human movement patterns like squat, bend, push, pull, etc. These help you live a better life every day!
At an intensity relative to you! – This is the part that is misinterpreted from people who don’t understand the proper CrossFit methodology and don’t amend the program to the people they serve. The training is about making the most of your time in the gym. Not sitting around and doing nothing. But the intensity piece should only be increased once you have a solid foundation and you can move well, then move well consistently, before you worry about moving faster.
Is CrossFit suitable for beginners?!
The short answer is yes – but you need to ensure a couple of key things are in place before you start your journey:
- Movement Assessment – It doesn’t matter how well you move, if you have any underlying imbalances with your body (stronger/weaker one side compared to the other or more/less mobile one side compared to the other) you are going to be on a one-way ticket to getting injured regardless if you do CrossFit, regular gym, or stay sedentary. It’s super important you get a proper assessment done before starting.
- Private 1-1 Coaching First – Make sure you don’t get thrown into the group CrossFit class initially. All of the best CrossFit gyms will make you do a few sessions 1-1 with a coach to teach you all the movements and ensure you are moving safe and correct before you start.
- Qualified CrossFit Coaches – These days it seems like everyone is a CrossFit coach, but for many gyms out there all they are doing is getting a workout off of the internet and calling it ‘CrossFit’. There is much, much more that goes into a proper CrossFit program to get the results you are after. Ensure the people coaching you are qualified in the CrossFit training method.
- Track Record Of Success – Make sure you find a CrossFit gym that has proven history of success with clients just like you (easiest way is to see the amount and quality of reviews they have on google). The more they have – the better as it means they have worked with a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds.
We wanted to share five key things we want you to know before starting below.
Everyone Can Do It!
Our coaches modify the workouts to meet you where you are at
Scaling a workout to one’s abilities is made possible by the way CrossFit WOD’s are designed. This means that any person, regardless of their age, fitness level or strength, can complete the WOD and adapt it to their current abilities.
One of the greatest advantages of CrossFit is access to specifically qualified coaches that teach, correct form, prescribe mobility and build new athletic skills. The focus on individualised training is paramount and therefore, individualised coaching and universal scalability is enforced. For example, a broomstick or PVC pipe can be used to perform any weightlifting exercise and any bodyweight exercise can be replaced/adapted to make it more or less challenging.
It will Improve Body Composition
Have us in your corner & never plateau again
If you have spent your gym life attempting to improve your figure on a treadmill or spin bike, you will be glad to know that weight training is best in improving your physique.
CrossFit offers its members the ideal exposure to exercising correctly for your fitness and aesthetic goals in a sustainable way and without injury.
CrossFit utilises strength training which promotes muscle growth and improved overall body composition (increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass). Increased musculature does not mean “bulky,” it means being stronger, fitter, having increased joint flexibility and security, and being able to eat more food as muscle needs more energy than fat to keep going.
Since CrossFit also includes conditioning elements such as body weight movements and cardio, the calories will still efficiently burn away whilst getting strong and learning new skills.
With the guidance of qualified CrossFit coaches, applying a specific nutrition plan in conjunction with CrossFit training has our members reach both their aesthetic and fitness goals.
It Will Improve Mental Toughness
Do things you never thought possible
It is in our human nature to resist discomfort and avoid painful obstacles. It is easy to cheat reps, sets or take a longer rest time if you only have yourself to hold you accountable.
At 365 Performance – the coaches, the team atmosphere and the healthy competitiveness that CrossFit style training brings, will inspire you to push your limits, question your assumptions about what you can accomplish and even feel the adrenaline rush that inevitably makes you work harder.
The feeling of satisfaction when you complete a prescribed workout quicker than you did previously, or achieving a personal best (PB) in a certain lift, or even noticing that you can do a movement that you were unable to do previously, is far beyond what you will feel from pedalling away on an exercise bike for an hour.
Is It Dangerous?
Make sure you work with experienced coaches
You may have heard that CrossFit training is a one way ticket to an injury, but how true is this statement?
Inadequate form within strength training, exposure to inexperienced or unqualified trainers or simply going too hard, too fast is the quickest way to get seriously injured in any gym.
Ensuring that you are joining a trusting health and fitness environment, like 365 Performance, can provide reassurance that your needs will be supported and your limitations will be carefully considered.
As CrossFit encompasses movements that are technical to learn and perform, upon signing up at 365 Performance, you will be required to undergo an initial assessment that determines your current joint mobility and range of motion, assess any limiting factors or current injuries, and establish a baseline for your capabilities before being transitioned into classes. You will not be thrown into the deep end!
Make sure you:
- Work only with Qualified CrossFit Coaches
- Have a movement assessment before you begin
- Spend 1-1 time with a coach before you go into the group classes
All of our coaches work closely together so whatever class you attend, your current abilities will be known and the workout will be scaled or modified if/when needed.
How Much Does CrossFit Cost?
It’s time to get noticeable results from the time you spend training
It’s time to shift your perception on the importance of INVESTING in your nutrition and fitness. When compared, CrossFit is more expensive than a traditional gym, but the return you get from your monthly membership fee is vastly different.
Most people have a cheap membership at a regular gym and don’t go at all. While some go a few times per week and 6-12 months later they still haven’t seen any noticeable change!
Rather than pay a cheaper membership fee where you’re not motivated by ‘value for money,’ you don’t follow a specific training or nutrition program, and only have yourself to keep you accountable, you could invest in your health and join a CrossFit gym near you.
At 365 Performance our members are getting results every week! They are getting fitter and stronger with noticeable body composition changes… and looking and feeling the best they have in years.
Why 365 Performance?
With over 10+ years experience and working with over 2,573 local residents we have learnt a few things to ensure our clients have the best experience possible.
- Private 1-1 Intro Session before you begin.
- Movement and mobility assessment.
- 1-1 Introductory sessions with our experienced coaches.
- Unlimited access to group training classes.
- Access to knowledgeable coaches for your training and nutrition.
- Programming that is done FOR you with THREE Levels which changes each day with consistent improvement as the goal.
- Computerised results tracking platform so you can log your results and see your progress every session.
- You are assigned a mentor to help guide and support you through your ENTIRE journey 1-1.
- Nutrition coaching & body composition scanning
- Exposure to a supportive environment with like-minded individuals.
- Guaranteed to see and FEEL the results or your money back!
Find out more about our CrossFit Program below: