If we are a good fit for each other, we have a 4 step process that all new clients must undertake.
It is here for a reason – to ensure you get the most out of your time working with us, see success and feel confident from day one.
Our Promise:
Many people in the fitness industry make promises and don’t deliver. We want to change that.
Our promise to you is simple – do the work, and if after your first 12 weeks of working with us, you aren’t in better shape than before you started, we refund your entire investment.
Here’s How It Works:
Once we have had our consultation, we have an excellent understanding of you and your training history.
From here, we have the information we need so we can work as a team to guide you to proactively overcome the things that have held you back in the past.
Then we get started with more of the fun stuff:
1 – Assessment
So you don’t get injured.
Train pain-free, and feel great.
We do a thorough movement and mobility assessment on you.
We test to see if you are stronger or weaker on one side compared to the other, or if there are any movement restrictions. Areas of either tightness or looseness can impact you from your body overcompensating down the track.
We also address any previous injuries you have. Regardless if it’s still giving you grief or not – We want to be PROACTIVE instead of reactive.
2 – Movement
So you don’t feel silly or intimidated.
Know what you’re doing, and feel confident.
Once we know if you have any limitations, we then begin to teach you ALL of the movements you will do in our training program.
All of our initial movement instruction is in a Private 1-1 setting.
All movements are with technique and safety being THE most significant concern (the heaviest thing you will lift will be a broomstick or an empty bar!)
The main goal from these sessions is for you to feel CONFIDENT and COMFORTABLE before we go any further – if you aren’t – we stay here until you are!
3 – Nutrition
So you don’t get bored or fall off the wagon.
Enjoy what you eat, and see results.
We work with you 1-1, understanding what your current food intake is like and making small manageable changes along the way. We give you basic guidelines and then provide you with more upgraded prescriptions as you continue on your journey with us.
We are continually checking in with you to;
- ensure you are having success following the plan and giving you different strategies to overcome any roadblocks you may face along the way.
- Ensure you are getting results with your body composition and training – we monitor your results each week!
We don’t just give you a plan and say ‘good luck’ and have you try to do it all on your own.
4 – Support & Accountability
So you don’t go at it all alone or give up.
Keep focused on your goals, and achieve what you never thought possible.
When you start with us, you will be assigned your own Personal Coach.
They will be hand-picked as someone who has been through what you have and has come out the other end with the results you are after.
It is their job to support you and hold you accountable. To help you identify and work through obstacles proactively, so you keep making progress. And to check-in, review and update your goals every 90 days, so you continue to stay focused and improve.
No more going at it all alone – we are here to support you every step of the way!
Are You Ready To Get Started??
If you are like the majority of clients who come to us, historically you have never:
- Been shown how to train correctly (so you never felt confident or probably got injured)
- Been shown what you need to eat for your body type and goals (so you never found something sustainable or never saw any noticeable change)
- Been supported 1-1 by a coach (so you gave up when you faced an obstacle you didn’t know how to overcome)
The reasons above are why you haven’t seen the results you are after.
Once you have all these things in place, it is so much easier to see the results you want.
Fill out the form on this page, come in for a Free Intro Session and we will let you know how we can help!